Financial Advice, Home Loans
If you’ve ever looked at homes for sale online, in addition to details about the home or open house information, you may see that the home is “contingent.” If you’ve ever wondered, “What does contingent mean?” read on for everything to know about homes listed as...
General Home Advice, Home Loans, Homebuying
If you’re gearing up to buy a home, congratulations! Homeownership has represented the American Dream since our nation’s founding. However, buying a home is the most significant investment most people will ever make, so it’s not a step to take without much...
Financial Advice, Home Loans
A HECM reverse mortgage can be a great solution for many folks, but it isn’t for everyone. Before committing to a HECM loan, it’s important to know its limitations and the benefits that it offers. What Is a HECM Reverse Mortgage? First things first, what...
Financial Advice, Home Loans
Cash-out refinance is all about using the equity you’ve accumulated in your home. You can replace your current home loan with a bigger mortgage and use the difference between your current and new mortgage in cash. While cash-out refinance offers many...